

The perfect app to help you find your studio.

Design Brief

This project was designed to help build UI/UX skills including typographic treatments by creating a location based app. ZenFinder - a versatile yoga studio locator app - has several unique features specifically for yogis. Whether you are a student or an instructor, you can create a profile, locate a studio, read studio reviews, and view instructor scores using a rating based system. ZenFinder helps finding a yoga studio a seamless process through its UI and UX whether you are experienced or not.

This was the most fun part of the UX process for me. I imagined myself opening this app as a yoga student and created Hannah F. based loosely on the needs and wants from myself.

Since this app was meant to have two separate logins (student, instructor), I needed to have a persona in which the instructor account would be applicable. Jane D. exists as the reciprocal of Hannah F.

*You can follow these characters throughout the prototype to see their individual journeys through the app.

Meet The Personas


Jane has been a yoga instructor for 35 years. She has travelled to all over Asia learning from masters and teaching groups to become instructors themselves. She takes pride in her flexibility and understanding of the art form. After teaching in Thailand for over a year, Jane moves home to California and must get a job at a new studio to pay the bills.

Hannah just finished school a few years ago and finds herself starting a job at an accounting firm. Since moving into her new apartment and starting her new job, Hannah finds herself lonely and stressed. She used to do yoga during quarantine by watching YouTube videos, but she is ready to find a new community and start at a real yoga studio.

The logo design, color palette, and choosing a typeface were the most challenging aspect of this project for me. I had originally chosen an orange and yellow color palette - something which I soon realized was too bright and “in your face” for an app with the word “Zen” in it.

Once I had developed the graphic elements for this app, I felt that my idea was tied together nicely for a first glance at this design.



Bovine MVB Regular

Ek Mukta Bold

Color Palette






Instructor portal/ Instructor Reviews



A common yoga pose is the seated position Sukhasana. Since this is a widely recognized yoga pose, I chose to create the profile icon using this imagery. eate the profile icon using this imagery.

This pinpoint symbol is universally recognized as a “location” icon. Considering I used this icon within the map page, I decided to continue it throughout the app.

Another common yoga symbol is the lotus. It represents tranquility and peace. Yoga instructors’ job is to provide their students with the skills to reach tranquility throughout their practice which is why I used it for the instrutor portal as well as the instructor reviews pages.

The settings gear is the universal symbol for a settings page.

ZenFinder logo will always take the user to the home screen.

Research/Review Collection

Because this app utilizes a system of reviews by students for instructor and studio ratings, it was vital to do prior research on what customer reviews for yoga studios look like in order to create an interface where users want to leave reviews.
