Meraki Music

Meraki Music

A website for music bloggers.

DesIgN Brief

For this project, our goal was to incorporate the use of Figma to create website wireframes and have them come to life in WebFlow. As an introduction to WebFlow, there was a bit of a learning curve, but nonetheless, it turned out to be pretty simple to add photos, adjust margins and padding, and play around with text sizes and components to make my website come alive. All of the text was written by myself, aside from the articles, which I used AI to write since it was just for visual purposes.

Meraki Music is a music blogging app that incorporates a home page containing current or main articles, an about page explaining the purpose and goals of the website, and a contact page. Each button is also interactive and takes you to that particular article where you can read and scroll through similar articles at the bottom.

(all images sourced from Pinterest)