High Enough

High Enough

Lyric Type + Image Posters

Design Brief

For this project, the assignment was to choose a song that resonated with us, and create two posters using the lyrics as the subject matter. One of the posters was to be strictly text based, utilizing a logotype that we designed that was designed around the meaning of a word or phrase pulled from the song lyrics. The second poster was to include an image that represented the song and an iteration of the logotype that was created for the first poster. 

I chose the song High Enough by K. Flay. This song has been one of my favorites for a long time and the lyrics create great imagery so this song was the obvious choice for this project. After deciding on the title of the song to be the material for my logotype, I began sketching different logotypes to portray a typographically interesting “High Enough”. The sketch I began working off of was one where the “High” was strung up to the top of the page, thus giving an illusion of it being higher up or dangling from above. To create continuity, “Enough” became strung to the bottom to match. I began cutting up the lyrics into the different verses and the chorus to give myself something to work with. The colors were chosen on a whim, simply because I liked them together and thought they represented the song well. I felt that the pink, blue, and yellow were eye-catching on the black of the imageless poster and the black and white image poster. 



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